суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bloody history sunday

I have officially healed from all of the bad work-related bullshit of last year. It was a stellar week and I have at long last found my professional home. Twice in one career isnapos;t so bad. Just took me four years to get here.

It feels like a ginormous cycle of turmoil has ended. Of course I canapos;t help thinking about how it all started, but that seems to be healing up nicely now too.

I am celebrating by burning lavender incense and hot cocoa scented candles - two of my all-time favorite smells. They donapos;t have Cheeto flavored candles, I checked.

Plus the Trib and the WashPost endorsed our man Obama today.

I am joyful. Literally and figuratively. Fuck yeah.

chinese traditional, bloody history sunday, bloody history mary, bloody hentai roar, bloody hell where ya.

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